• I help high-acheiving, mission-driven women connect with what they've been aching for & experience transformative success in all areas of life as a result...

    There is an ache in each one of us. A longing towards more...


    Guiding women to directly connect with and recieve deeply from the source that satisfies their ache is my life's work.


    My name is Mary Catherine, I am a Feminine Embodiment Coach, Ceremonial Guide and Movement Facilitator; a Medicine Woman, Author of the book “Home”, and creator of the Feminine Embodiment Practice, V.


    I help high-achieving, mission-driven women to turn down the dial on hyper-masculine functioning and connect with the fullness of all that they are, embody that fullness within the sovereignty of their body and lead as women radically connected to and wildly trusting of themselves.


    As a result of our work together, women experience greater pleasure in their bodies, intimacy in their relationships, more effortless impact in their leadership, more fun, less anxiety as wide open boundless possibilities begin to open in their life.


    In short, things get deep, authentic and expansive.


    Through my private offerings and live experiences, I am known for creating Ceremonial Containers where safety is felt, profound connection with Love occurs, and where women have a direct experience with their True Nature.


    Together, we remember the fullness of who they came here to be before society, family, or religion told them who they should be and we stoke the flame of who they truly are as if it were the most important thing in the world.

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  • My Style & Qualifications


    I merge a wide variety of coaching and healing tools and modalities (with a big focus on somatic embodiment and wholeness work), and I am known for bridging ancient wisdom and modern leadership in a non-judgemental, nowhere we won’t go to accomplish this, deeply compassionate sort of way.


    Through decades of deep personal work, thousands of hours of coaching and somatic practice, many plant medicine ceremonies, healing practitioner and yoga teacher certifications, seasons of chosen isolation in order to tune out noise and find my own Voice, many times crying snot on bathroom floors, and learning to alchemize all emotion as pure sensation,


    I now humbly and with great confidence guide other women home to themselves by whatever means and tool necessary. I have certifications that qualify me to do this work, but none more than having deeply and wholly healed myself. As a practitioner you cannot hold what you have not healed and because of this (and my certifications in integrative and somatic coaching) I am confident in my work and honored every time I get to join with another woman on the path of embodying a deeper and more true expression of who she is.


    I'm all about next steps. If you feel the nudge to connect further, schedule a call below to explore further whether working together is the perfect fit for us!

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    "Working with Mary Catherine since 2015 has been one of the most pivotal relationships in my life. Throughout the years, she’s been able to assist me in bringing forth my innate ability to see things myself, which I think is such a testament to good guidance. I can't emphasize enough how special her private ceremonial work is and the integration after is what truly sets her apart from the others. The integration work, and support is an anchor and a game changer for me and truly has allowed me to instill the lasting change from our work together. Game changer and blessed to know this special healer."

    - Marlys R., Entreprenuer


    I am a different person now. Peace, understanding, surrender, and ease have become part of my being. This work is truly special and a gift to the world."


    - Amy S. , Chief Marketing Officer


    "The space Mary Catherine cultivates is so full of love. The Journey was everything my soul has been craving. Thankful for her iron fist and energetic barriers that allowed me to safely let my inner child out to play and be loved. I'm returning home a more full, raw and tender me."

    - Anna R., Artist


    "I feel amazing and forever changed. I am immensely grateful for this transformative experience."


    - Sarah B., Sales and Recruiting Specialist

    What Others Are Saying...

    “Wow, I’m not sure what just happened but my session with Mary Catherine went deep quickly. Without saying a word she quickly tuned into where I’ve been holding so much stress in my body and guided me through an amazing process of moving the stuck energy. Since our session I’ve been singing all over my house and in my car, I’m feeling far more relaxed and my romantic life is becoming far more juicy! There is for sure a 'before my session with Mary Catherine 'and an 'after.'. and the after I feel far lighter, more free and feminine. I highly recommend a personal session with Mary Catherine for anyone feeling caught in cycles of stress, anxiety and tension that is starting to effect your life and your intimacy.

     Jamelle R., San Diego 

    What Others Are Saying

    After an evening with Mary Catherine, I drove home feeling filled to the brim. For the first time in months, maybe years, I went home and had a deep desire to connect with my husband. Not just in sex, but in intimacy, true connection. I have a long way to go in cultivating intimacy within myself (and my marriage) as I’ve made the kids and everyone else more important for almost 18 years. But after my session with MC, I feel excited and alive like never before as if I’m standing at the edge of a river calling me in to the depths of me. And I promise you, I'm going in! Thank you Mary Catherine for creating such a beautiful and safe space for me to reconnect to me so deeply!

    -Amy S., Nashville, TN. 

    What Others Are Saying

    Being with Mary Catherine is the exact mirror I was needing. The layers she cracks open in me are unlike any other and she is the only one who’s been able to provide this for me in the area of self love and I’ve worked with a LOT of coaches/mentors/programs. I’m so grateful for the flood of awareness that sitting with her brings. If you’re a woman seeking to fall more in love with yourself and your body, get Mary Catherine in your corner as soon as possible. This woman carries the codes of the feminine and body love in a way like none other; in a way that is deeply needed.

     -Jolie D, Austin, TX

  • A Word on Embodiment...

    What is Embodiment and why does it matter?


    Honestly, it’s everything.



    Embodiment, in my experience, is the process of bringing your awareness back into the body (after a period away whether it be a moment, a month or a lifetime)



    Embodiment is also a practice, the practice of becoming Alive to the sensations and signals of your body.



    Why is embodiment important?



    Because when we are disconnected from our bodies, usually due to stress, anxiety, shame, religious conditioning, overwhelm or past trauma, we live primarily from our thinking minds, our heads. Doing so can serve us for a while, but overtime can cause severe symptoms of depression, stress, confusion, mental fog, hormonal imbalance, fatigue and lack of sex-drive to name a few.



    It’s very devastating on the body and Soul to live disconnected from our bodies. However, in living connected to the body, we reduce anxiety, reside in parasympathetic nervous system state, digest food and thoughts more effectively, access pleasure and intuition effortlessly, we are able to listen more deeply and in that listening we learn how to listen to others and the environment around us more deeply as well which gives us the superpower of sensory intelligence and also the abilitly to experience deep intimacy with another. 


  • Work with Me

    I currently offer in person group classes and support a few (handful) of clients each month in 1:1 immersions...

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    A 90 min tantra inspired movement and sound practice for awakening eros and embodying the feminine soul.



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    The Journey


    A 5-Week personalized immersive process held in a safe and nurturing container. The process is designed to facilitate deep exploration within yourself and cultivate deeper embodiment of your True Nature.


  • Would you like to connect further?

    I'm happy to explore further with you! Schedule a call a explore if working together is the perfect fit....

  • Contact Me

    Want to simply connect directly with me?

    Use the message box below and I'll get the message,

    I look forward to hearing from you...